Saturday 5 June 2010

Life from a Greek Island - Earthquakes, Snakes and Floods

We had our first and hopefully last earthquake in the first week of May. It measured 3.4 which isn't much apparently but it still felt like somone picked up our house and shook it backwards and forwards a bit. Luckily we were sitting on the sofa watching the 9 o clock film in english so we didn't fall over. They predict more for the summer so hopefully they won't get any bigger.
Mat ran over a snake - twice! It was lying in the road and he did think it was a tree branch but he still managed to run it over with the front and back wheels of the car. It's well and truly dead now - so one less venemous adder on the island.
So the sun is reaching about 34 on the hottest days here but we have also had some huge storms. It rains differently to the UK the raindrops are huge and the air is still warm, all the animals go mad beforehand - sheep, goats, chickens, dogs and cats all around. The track next to our house floods which looks something like this ..

imagine walking that uphill! I lost my only pair of shoes that I brought with me to it - they very sadly drowned!
We discovered 3 kittens living in a hedge at the side of the house in our garden where we sunbathe. We kept hearing noises and thought it was a bird/snake/lizard but when I looked there were 3 little faces looking back at me. Their mum Sukie started making friends with us and then her husband Rocky and boyfriend Sami turned up too. So we now occasionally have 6 cats with us usually for breakfast and dinner. The kittens are Cleo (short for Cleopatra she has eyeliner on an eye, Dio (greek for two has two spots on his back) and Oscar (who sima originally named rainbow and then we found out he is a boy). They are a lot of fun but get a bit demanding everytime you open the fridge.

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