Saturday 10 April 2010

7th April 2010 - Eastbourne - Dover - Dunkerque - Chalons en Champagne

Left Eastbourne early in the morning very sad to say goodbye to Katie & Joshua, think Joshua was more sad he wasn't going to get to sit in the car for longer and beep the horn over and over. Made it to Dover in lots of time to catch the Nofolkline ferry to Dunkerque. Ended up in the bar watching the election coverage on BBC News which felt just like being at work except there was no lovely Anna in the corner mumbling to herself. The ferry was a bit like being drunk and falling over in slow motion repeatedly but top deck made it all worth it.

Drove to Chalons en Champagne which was very small very quiet and spent the night in a small dark box (hotel) with rabbits running about outside.

Mat Stat:
No need for alarm clocks in France as Hotel Maids will just keep bursting in on you regardless if you are asleep in bed or half dressed.

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